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Searching for English tutors within 30 miles of 92803

Displaying 3 tutor(s) in that area.

tutor pictureIlgiz 1Education: Bachelor of Arts in English Literature granted by UC IrvineStudents Rating:
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IRVINE CATeaching/Tutoring Since: 2009
tutor pictureMichelle 1Education: UCSD, BA in Communications, 2001
TESOL Certification (ESL Instruction), 2004
AADP Certified Health Coach, 2012
Students Rating:
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LOS ANGELES CATeaching/Tutoring Since: 2004
tutor pictureMarcielle 1Education: Degrees
1994 Master of Professional Writing MPW/MFA. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
1981 Bachelor of Arts, English. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
Students Rating:
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SIERRA MADRE CATeaching/Tutoring Since: 1988